Who is your Higher Self?

Who is your Higher Self?

🦋 + 👧🏽 + 🌟

EEEPP! I am so excited for this one (do I say that every time?)! Today’s blog post is all about your higher self. Who is she? Why does she matter? How do you find her and show up as her? 
Keep on reading to evolve into your higher self! And, of course, you can always replace her and she with he and him or they and them. However you identify, it all applies. 
Who is your higher self?
Your authentic self. Your best version. Your connection to the divine/God/whoever you worship. All of these describe your higher self. 
If you are someone who enjoys continuous personal growth, who aspires to live a life of steadfast loyalty to your soul’s mission, or who is just starting on their spiritual journey, step one is finding your higher self. 
From my experience, it appears our soul, like the butterfly, experiences three distinct cycles. And, if you are anything like me, you ebb and flow in between the cycles a lot of the time (working on the #boundaries). I find it is important to experience all of the cycles in order to understand all parts of yourself, to remain in gratitude when you reach higher states, and to show up with compassion for those who may need your assistance along their own path. 
The first of the cycles is the 3D. If you resonate with spirituality, this term may look familiar. If you resonate with the butterfly analogy, this is the stage of the caterpillar. If you resonate with Catholicism, this is hell. If you are new here, this is basically the phase in life where everything appears real. As humans, we experience life in the third dimension. 
The second is the 4D. If you resonate with spirituality, this term means you are beginning your awakening. You start to see that everything is connected while still having so much to learn. If you resonate with the butterfly analogy, this is the stage of the chrysalis. If you resonate with Catholicism, welcome to purgatory. If you are starting to think I am crazy, this is basically the phase in life where you begin to see that not everything is how it appears. 
Lastly, the 5D. If you resonate with spirituality, you have found your higher self. You recognize that all things, plants, animals, etc. are connected. If you resonate with the butterfly analogy, this is the stage of the butterfly. If you resonate with Catholicism, booya! You made it to heaven! If you are starting to think I am not so crazy after all, cool! Let’s be friends! Your higher self is your true, authentic, and divine self without any outside viewpoint or criticism and without any ego. It is who God put you on this earth to be and to share with others. And, she is doing great. 
Why does your higher self matter?
Connecting with your higher self is important because it allows you to live a more peaceful life by connecting  you to your soul’s purpose here on earth. I think God grants each and every one of us a gift. Perhaps your gift is in sports and you are an amazing field hockey player who is able to gather people while they watch you play. Maybe your gift is in art and you can evoke emotions through your paintings. Or, maybe your gift is cooking and you bring families together through a home cooked meal. 
Whichever gift God has divinely placed in you, He has done so so that you can bring love, unity, and collaboration to this earth. When you are creating and what you make brings this to the world, you know you are operating from your higher self. 
On the contrary, we sometimes fail to operate from our higher self and we make decisions based on anger, ego, and competition. The more we disconnect from our higher self, the more chaotic life feels. We think this is how the world should be when really this is our higher self signaling that it is time for a change or growth in life. Thus, when you try to control, when you make decisions that separate people, or when your mindset is based on the idea of winning, you are operating from a lower vibration and ego self. I once met with a spiritual teacher, and she taught me something that has stuck with me. She described the ego as an acronym for “Edging God Out.” It stuck with me because in every decision I make now, I think to myself is this something that  welcomes God into my life or is this something that pushes God away?
When we push God away, we welcome our ego and when we choose God, we welcome our higher self. Our higher selves are not influenced by ego, material possessions, or outside biases (26). Rather, our higher self chooses love and creates a little piece of heaven right here on earth. 

How to show up as your higher self?
Showing up as your higher self is like riding a bike. The more you do, the less you need the training wheels and the easier it becomes. Sometimes, you don’t ride for a while. You may lose your flow, although you can always get right back up. I also saw a video on Instagram once that was a depiction of healing and showing up as your higher self. It had a dirty, brown glass of water and a clean, clear glass of water. The brown water represents one’s lower vibrational self or unhealed version. The clear water represented one’s higher self and healed version. The person making the video poured the clear water into the dirty water. Slowly, but surely, the dirty water went from pitch black to brown to light brown to clear, representing our own journey to our higher self. 
You have to go through the darkness in order to get to the light. Most importantly, though, it will always get better. 
Here are some tools for your toolbox for connecting with your higher self. You can make use of them all or find a couple that work best for you! 
Recognize Feelings. Recognize how your body feels when you are in certain situations and around certain people. Your body literally gives you clues as to how close you are to your life path. Are you calm or tense? Are you open and engaging or closed off and reserved? Are you excited to stay or eager to get home? Answers to these questions can help you determine if you are in the environment where your higher self can thrive. 
Be Kind. Obviously to everyone, but in this context, be kind to yourself. It can be frustrating not to have it all figured out. This is exactly the point. Enjoy the journey of finding yourself and be kind to yourself along the way because, like any human, you will make mistakes and, as long as you learn from them, that is okay. 
Yoga. Practicing yoga can actually decrease your body’s stress hormone (cortisol) and increase your body’s feel good hormones (endorphins and GABA). As a result, you begin to feel less anxious and more of a happier mood. (27). 
Meditation. Mediation helps you release stagnant energy and become present in the moment (the actual best). It allows you to tap into your inner wisdom and inner knowing. I like to think of it as your quiet time to slow down, get present, and receive whatever it is God is trying to give to you. 
Journaling. Grab a pen and paper or open a note on your phone and write down everything on your mind (a brain dump if you will). Have no judgments here, rather just write anything that comes to mind. It might be your grocery list or it might be how someone made you feel yesterday. Regardless, writing it down gives you the space to explore what is on your mind. You may find that some thoughts are in need of a little reset! 
Positive Thinking. Your thoughts are so powerful. Practicing positive thinking helps boost your self esteem and remain in a state of gratitude. Together, this brings access to your higher self. It is like the quote by Chinese philosopher Lao-Tze, “Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny” (28). 
Grounding. There has never been a better time to step outside and put your bare toes in the grass. The practice is called grounding, and it disconnects you from electronics and connects you to mother nature. The result is improved sleep and wound healing, decreased stress and inflammation, and more (29). 
Set Boundaries. Say yes to the things that make you feel good and say no to anything that does encourage your authentic self. Setting boundaries allows you to acknowledge your own self worth, protects you from harm, and, ultimately, creates a safe space for your higher self to emerge (like a little butterfly). 
Choose Again. I learned this method from thought leader Gabby Bernstein. I am most likely not going to say it as good as her, so I do recommend looking her up and maybe listening to a podcast or two. Basically, she teaches the choose again method in which you recognize when you mess up, you acknowledge the mistake or break in boundary, and choose again from a place of love in order to move forward. 
Move your Body. Your higher self is all about a flow state. Allow yourself to physically flow so that you can mentally flow! Go for a walk or dance around your house. Move in a way that is not a competition, just flow. 

How does your higher self and Alice Hilton connect?
Alice Hilton is all about doing great in your mindset 🦋, in  your style ⛲️, at home 🫖, in your career 💾, and more 🪺. When you discover and show up as your higher self, you often illuminate areas of your life that need improving and healing. If you are not feeling safe to show up as your higher self in one of these areas, maybe it is time for a change! I pray you have the strength to connect with your higher self whether you are home meditating, you  are getting dressed for the day, making dinner for your family, or pitching your marketing plan to your boss. You are good enough. You are worthy enough. And, you’re doing great. 🦋
Thanks for visiting Alice-Hilton. Share this blog with someone who is doing great. We hope you leave here feeling like you have emerged into the beautiful butterfly that you are.  
See resource link at the bottom of the Blog page for resources. 

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